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State Facts

Did You Know?

1.The white stripe in the middle of the Colorado state flag represents the snow caped mountains.

2. Over 30% of the land of Colorado is owned by the United States government.

3. The capital of Colorado, Denver, is almost exactly one mile above sea level. this is how it earned the nickname "Mile High city".

4. The city Boulder is the only US city with a glacier.

5.Deer Trail was home to the world's first rodeo.

6.The United States Air Force Academy is located in the city of Colorado Springs.

7.The highest city in the United States is Leadville.It is 10,430 feet above sea level. 

8.The name Colorado means colored red.

9.It is illegal to throw a snow ball in aspen.

10.The Continental Divid, a natural boundary that separates North America's river system, is in Colorado. Water that falls West of the divide flows to the Pacific Ocean; water that falls to the East heads to the Atlantic Ocean.


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